At least the American People agree on something, we disapprove of congress. Today the Gallup Company released the congressional job approval graph (pictured below).

As you can see we have gotten pretty darn low at 12%. My only question is how is something that is so disapproved of, remember 18% approve which means the other 82% disapproval, still in operation? They battle like children. Which ironically is the front cover of Bloomberg business week in which they are mocked for acting like children.

I find it rather funny that as much as Americans disagree on issues from abortion to the president we still allow the government that serves us to operate in a fashion we disapprove of. Here is another graph from the Gallup people… This dislike of congress even transcends party lines! OMG the humanity! We agree on something! I’m so happy! Whats even funnier is we have agreed on this since 2011. Did we hear the presidents talk about this during the debates? No! why would they?

Today’s Market Tarot is less about the market and more about my Trading this morning. I had a great number of losers and nearly reached my daily lock out for the day. In the afternoon I asked “what happened this morning, What can I change.” These are the cards I drew. Again, the set I use is The Wild Wood Tarot created by Mark Ryan & John Matthews with illustration by Will Worthington.
20. The Great Bear – This card is about judgment. These includes judgement of self and others. It teaches us to be compassionate and loving to self.
5. The Ancestor – Represents your inner guide, the part of your unconscious that knows everything. She is leading you to a new path.
17. The Pole Star – Is about guidance, again from your inner self. Knowing that the stars are aligned so that you may follow.
I saw this layout as The Great Bear crawling towards the other two cards. That my judgement is attacking if you will my inner guidance. Both from a feminine & male perspective. While the Ancestor leads you into the woods with her heart, the male depicted in the pole star follows point A to B. Knowing how my morning went I understand this as following my intuition, my trading ideas, and to stay away from judgement. That being kind and forgiving to self is most important.
In turn, I had a successful afternoon 🙂

Today’s Market Tarot I drew two cards. The set I use is The Wild Wood Tarot created by Mark Ryan & John Matthews with illustration by Will Worthington. There is no path way to be read it is just to gather an understanding of what may occur today in the market.
Nine of Arrows: Dedication – Staying focused, knowing that it may take hard work and discipline to achieve what you desire.
Seven of Arrows: Insecurity – This card talks about instability and panic due to un-grounded fears. The woman in the card looks as though she is entangled and being attacked and has footing on an unstable surface.
What this said to me in the morning was that the market would be focused, dedicated to staying on whatever path it chose. At 8:30 AM judging from yesterdays afternoon price action, I thought this would be a focused path lower. However we have been pretty much flat. The second card said to me that this dedicated move would be based on insecurity on ungrounded fears. Yesterday the Fed came out and said “We may raise rates.” Whether they do this in 2013 or 2015; it is mere speculation by the fed. In turn investors begin to speculate.
In the end there has been a focused moved to no where and after such a huge rally from January 2nd, the government has throw insecurity into the market based on speculation of what they “may” do.

I thought it would be fun to do a reading mid-day on the market. Read the Market Tarot cards can help. The layout that I felt was Past->Present->Future (from left to right). I drew the following cards…
Aces of Stones: The Foundation of Life – This card discusses manifesting your dreams, wishes etc into reality.
Six of Stones: Exploitation – This card speaks of an imbalance of resources that are damaging to yourself or the environment.
The Ancestor – Represents your inner guide, the part of your unconscious that knows everything. She is leading you to a new path.
How does this relate to the market? The reading was done around 1:00pm EST. Aces of Stones represents the base that was built in the AM. This is also related to the large significant up move we had on Wednesday. Six of stones I believe speaks to the grind higher all afternoon. This was not a healthy move and we have damaged ourselves in the process. The last card, The Ancestor talks about a new path. I would think that this card speaks that the close of today / afternoon trading will represent a new trend in the market.