Integral theory believes we enter different states of awareness, of consciousness, etc throughout any given day. Have you ever been unable to break an angry mood? Your state was angry. Have you ever been highly irrational for a long time? Your state was irrational. Have you ever fell in love & were unable to fall out of it for a long time? Your state was in love.
States greatly effect the way we trade ever single day. Author Denise Shull’s book Market Mind Games is essentially a book about emotional / psychology states. Her book can be summarized as follows. Be aware of your emotional context (state) it will greatly effect your trading decisions. She’s correct.
This is a very basic overview of how states can effect you during trading. Denise suggests writing down your emotional state as your are trading such as “I”m afraid to take this trade” or “If I lose on this trade I’m going to be very angry with myself.” I added to this methodology by taking it a step further and after the bell has rung to go back and ask. What makes me afraid? or IfIi become angry with myself what would happen?