Today’s Daily Trading Goal focuses on how to choose your thoughts. Thoughts effect your biology and your biology greatly effects your ability to trade through hormones. Which thoughts you choose to pay attention to is critical. Listen & choose to think good thoughts.
Category: Daily Trading Goal
Every day a new trading goal is posted.
Daily Trading Goal – Caught in Your Own Thinking
Today’s daily trading goal is to stop getting caught up in your thinking. In psychology, one aspect of this is the confirmation bias. Where view almost all information as confirming our original thoughts. Stop this by wearing aware it exists. Be mindful of your thoughts.
Daily Trading Goal – Control Negative Thinking
Today’s trading goal is to Control Negative thinking. It can be very easy for the snowball effect to take hold after 1 bad trade. Monitor your thoughts & feelings, being aware of them is more than half the battle.
Daily Trading Goal – Focus on the Challenging Tasks
Focus on the challenging tasks. There is only so much time in a day and while completing small easy tasks is great short term reward focusing on the more difficult tasks while you have the most energy will yield an even better reward.
Daily Trading Goal – Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Today’s trading goal is: Don’t Sweat The Small stuff. If you let the small stuff go (getting filled a few cents below or above your limit. Let it go. The energy spent on being frustrated can be focused on creativity and development as a trader.
Daily Trading Goal – Perspective
Maintaining your perspective can be challenging when markets reverse or become volatile. What is your perspective? How did it change? Stating these out loud may make your days easier and far less stressful.